Innovations you won’t find in any other pump on the market, with quality, performance, usability, packability and reliability designed in from the start.
See what Moto Industry Insiders are saying about the MotoPumps Mini Pro in actual tests and reviews in major magazines and media outlets.
Motorcycle.com Honda VFR Risers
Package Specials
Combine a MotoPumps Air Shot 2.1 with an Air Plugger or Dynaplug Tire Plugging kit to be self sufficient on the side of the road. What is it worth to be prepared to self rescue or come to the aid of a fellow motorcyclist? It is priceless!
Superior Service
As avid riders, we understand that your next adventure tour is right around the corner and will make sure you have what you need to be self sufficient on the road. We ship fast via USPS Priority Mail (2-3 days anywhere in the US) and have all products in stock, no waiting.
“outstanding customer service”